Sunday, 15 February 2015

Hidden heart cake

Just in case you were living under a rock yesterday you will know it was Valentines day. My boyfriend and I don't really 'do' Valentines day. We don't get one another a card of a present but we do stay in and share a meal together. I also thought it was a perfect day to bake a hidden heart cake. I have wanted to try one of these for a while.
First I started by baking a rectangle red velvet cake, the recipe can be found here. Once baked and cooled I use the smallest heart cookie cutter I had and cut out as many hearts as I could. 

I then moved on to the loaf cake.


225g self raising flour 
225g caster sugar 
225g butter
1 tea spoon vanilla extract 
4 medium eggs ( I used free range)


Cream together the butter and sugar.
Add the dry ingredients bit by bit with the eggs and vanilla extract.
Combine until smooth.
Line a loaf tin with parchment paper. This will help you to remove once baked.
Poor in a bit of the mix so the bottom is covered and smooth the top.
Line up your red velvet hearts in the middle of the loaf tin.
Add the rest of the mix either side of the red velvet hearts and then cover the top so the hearts are not showing.
Baking until golden brown and until a skewer comes out clean.
Wait until your cake is cool and cut.
 This was the result of my first try. I lots a bit of definition at the top of the heart but I am surprised at my first attempt. Next time I would use a smaller cutter (if I can find one).
What did you bake this weekend?
If you want to try a hidden shape cake why not give this a go?

Happy baking,
Ms B

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